Connect to Rent Manager
Enjoy limitless company portals and dashboards built on live data from Rent Manager.
We bring your data to you.
Our app allows you to seamlessly run reports from Rent Manager directly into Google Sheets (zero coding required!) , and set them up to auto-refresh on a specified schedule. From there, our users can build dashboards, custom reports, and anything else they want while the data continues to update automatically in the background.
Visata does not aim to replace anything in Rent Manager; it simply builds on what Rent Manager has to offer by giving you additional ways to visualize your data, automate processes, and more.
“If you use Rent Manager + Google Workspace, you absolutely need this product..”
Dashboard Templates
Choose from various dashboard templates that are completely customizable at any time, including prospect pipeline, marketing, financial statements, receivables breakdown, maintenance issues, budget analysis, and more.
How do I get started?
Sign up today and get your first dashboard free on us.